Koskela Jani التطبيقات

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Koskela Jani
Helsinki Traffic Guide is apublictransportation guide which I developed because I couldn'tfind anytransportation guide which wouldn't have furiated me moreor less.First off many public transportation guides require towritelocations over and over again which is quite annoying for mesinceI hate writing with touch based devices. Another problemwithcommon public transportation guides is that it simply takestoomuch time and effort to show the route I want, or theydon'tinclude vehicle tracking. One might say these problems areminorand I couldn't blame them. However I think noone wants to addthesekind of minor problems on top of bigger ones.I could say Helsinki Traffic Guide is meant for routinelikeroute searches but it's usable for other uses too. NormallyIfiddle this app when I'm on the move and I want to know how fastImust move to get to the bus stop. Before this app I haven't foundapublic transportation guide app which I would be able to use onthemove. When I come from work it's normally enough that Isimplystart the app and I almost right away know when my bus leavesforhome.A few years have gone by while making this app and indeedI'mvery glad to be able to publish this. I really can't wait toknowwhat people think of this app and in case you like it pleasereferthis to your friends.Helsinki Traffic Guide includes some icons which aremainlyacquired from Google (https://design.google.com/icons/) and restaremade by my with Gimp (you can propably see which ones aremine).App is made possible by HSL (Helsinki Regional TransportAuthority)and vehicle tracking is provided by HSL Live which ismade byMatterSoft. Big thanks to these providers.